Users Unable To Access Microsoft Teams Application Across The Globe - Technology News

Under the technology news India and beyond, the Microsoft Teams Application is suffering a massive outage. Users across the globe are not able to access the application and are facing issues. Read on to find more about this issue and trending news today in India.

Issue With Microsoft Teams Application

When it comes to the list of popular video conferencing applications used by professionals and organizations, Microsoft Teams is widely used. Users across the globe are affected. Microsoft has acknowledged the issue and is working on it.

Microsoft Teams Application
Microsoft Teams Application

According to Downdetector, there were thousands of outage reports for Microsoft Teams in the early hours of Thursday, July 21. The outage reports started spiking at about 7 AM on Thursday, and users are still reporting issues with the video conferencing software. Downdetector shows that 50 percent of the outage reports are for the app, 34 percent are for the server connection, and 17 percent are login issues. Microsoft, in a tweet from the Microsoft 365 Status Twitter handle said it has found the issue and is working on a fix.


“We've received reports of users being unable to access Microsoft Teams or leverage any features. We're investigating the issue and further updates can be found in your Service Health Dashboard via TM402718.” reads the Tweet by Microsoft 365 Status.

Microsoft 365 Status

It is still uncertain that till what period of time this outage will continue. Despite being acknowledged, the users are still facing issues. Users in countries like India and the United States are still complaining about the same on Twitter and other social media platforms.

Tweets By Microsoft 365 Status

“Service availability has mostly recovered with only a few service features still requiring attention. We'll continue to monitor the service while the remaining actions are completed. Additional information can be found under TM402718, MO402741, or at” reads a tweet by Microsoft 365 Status.”Our telemetry indicates that Microsoft Teams functionality is beginning to recover. We're continuing our efforts to implement relief within the environment. Additional information can be found under TM402718, MO402741, or at” says another tweet.

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